Research at VyatSU

Science lab VyatSU

  • 30 September 2016, 13:55
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3591

Research, scientific and educational-scientific laboratory of Vyatka state university

Research laboratory of "Biologically active substances and biopolymers"
Location: Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, education building VyatSU № 1, office 1-416а.
Head: Zlobin Andrey Alexandrovich
Phone: 8 (8332) 38-10-44, interoffice telephone: 2-10.
Research laboratory "Microbiology and diagnostics" (laboratory of molecular biology and diagnostics)
Location: Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, education building VyatSU № 1, office 1-118
Director: Gavrilov Konstantin Evgenievich
Phone: 8 (8332) 32-16-50
Laboratory of physiology of microorganisms of the Institute of physiology, Komi scientific center UD RAS
Location: Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 36, education building VyatSU № 1, office 1-513а
Head: PhD, Professor Byvalov Andrey Anatolievich
Phone: 8 (8332) 38-10-44, interoffice telephone:2-10.
Research laboratory "Mathematical modeling of complex systems"
Location: Kirov, K. Marksa st., 77, education building VyatSU №5, office 5-406
Supervisor: doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, associate зrofessor Shatrov Anatoly Viktorovich
Phone: 8 (8332) 64-48-16
Scientific laboratory "efficiency power plant"
Location: Kirov, Studencheski proezd, 11, education building VyatSU 8, office 8-308
Supervisor: doctor of technical sciences Efros Evgeny Isaakovich
Phone: 8 (8332) 53-25-83