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Our guys in the SMO zone continue to receive humanitarian aid collected by Vyatka State University

  • 29 July 2023, 10:11
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1515
Our guys in the SMO zone continue to receive humanitarian aid collected by Vyatka State University

In mid-July, students and staff of Vyatka State University sent a batch of humanitarian aid to participants in a special military operation

The collection of humanitarian aid at the university started as part of the All-Russian campaign "Universities for the Front!". The Charity foundation "For Vyatka" supported the university's initiative.


- The collection of humanitarian aid at the university started as part of the All-Russian campaign "Universities for the Front!". Even before the start of the action, students and employees of the university did their best to help our soldiers on the front line. And when the university joined the action, everyone who wanted to help in some way united. Sites for weaving camouflage nets were organized, and everyone - students, teachers and staff - got involved in this work, - said the rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach.


For a week and a half, students and staff managed to collect the most necessary things: medicines, generators, personal hygiene products, tools and many other consumables with a total volume of 20 tons. Volunteers wove 8 camouflage nets.


All the collected cargo was delivered to the zone of the SMO. And now our fighters send photos with words of gratitude.


The collection of aid and weaving of camouflage nets continues. Recall that the sites for weaving camouflage nets in Vyatka State University are located:


•1 building - coworking on the 2nd floor


•13 building - hall of the 1st floor


•14 building - halls 1, 2, 3 floors


•15 building - halls of the 1st and 2nd floors


  The collection of humanitarian aid is carried out in a co-working space on the 2nd floor of building 1.


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