Online newspaper

VyatSU students to be told about a Speculative Fiction genre of Russian and foreign authors

  • 16 May 2017, 09:55
  • Author: admin
  • Views 7589

The newspaper "Moy Pro Gorod" and Vyatka State University have prepared the final lesson on literature in this season for their listeners within the project "Lessons of the Russian language and literature".

On May 17 the project participants will be told about contemporary speculative fiction, its basic features and the most famous representatives of this literature genre. The lesson "Modern speculative fiction of the XX-XXI centuries: from scientific to the cyberpunk" will touch upon the following questions: the main trends in the development of science fiction, features that make this literature genre so actual and popular among readers, especially younger generation, and, of course, Russian and foreign authors worth being read (so called navigator in the world of speculative fiction).

Ksenia Litsareva, the Dean of VyatSU Faculty of Philology and Media Communications will conduct the lesson.

At the last lesson of literature all speculative fiction fans will hear familiar names of Russian and foreign writers: from founders of this genre to the contemporary bright representatives of the world literature.

"The lecture will touch upon the transformation of social and romantic prose from expressing of scientific, technical and prognostic ideas to vivid and entertaining literature with topical issues, philosophical depth and hybrid genres. As soon as we systemize this diverse phenomenon we’ll see the features and prospects for the development of speculative fiction in contemporary literature", - Ksenia Litsareva comments.

In addition to the recommended list of literature compiled specifically for the participants of the lecture listeners will also take part in an intellectual quiz, visit a colorful photo-zone with superheroes, see rewarding of the best "Total dictation-2017" results and, of course, plunge into fantastic atmosphere.

The lesson is free of charge.

Read in Russian

