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Students of VyatSU ranked among the winners of the Grant Contests of the Youth Forum of the PFD "iVolga"

  • 26 August 2021, 15:24
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2954

 Five people recieved Forum grants, four of them - students of Vyatka State University

On August 24th, 2021, on the final day of the Youth Forum of the Volga Federal District "iVolga", the final panel discussion was held on the educational platform

Following the forum, the names of the winners of grant competitions were announced. The All-Russian Competition of Youth Projects received 308 applications for 9 nominations. According to the results of the expert assessment, 34 projects will receive grants totaling 15,549,000 rubles.

Students of VyatSU received 4 grants totaling 800,000 rubles:

    Darina Popova with the project "Professional guidance school" Planet Z "- 350,000 rubles;
    Daria Zagoskina with the project "Mediaschool" Format "- 200,000 rubles;
    Diana Dunina with the project "#WesportTEAM_MEDIA" (#МыспортTEAM_MEDIA) - 100,000 rubles;
    Roman Rogozhkin with the project "Development of a thermal expansion material for a viscoelastic damper with a resin as a volcanizing agent" - 150,000 rubles.

Within the framework of shifts, the forum residents gained rating points in personal and regional test. In the ranking of the regions, the Kirov region ranked third, the first and second were divided by the Samara region and the Republic of Mari El.

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