Online newspaper

VyatSU opens a unique online school for preparation to the Unified State Examination

  • 4 October 2016, 19:30
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4867

VyatSU as a Basic University launched a new project - an online school to prepare for the Unified State Examination (USE) in mathematics, physics (basic and advanced levels) and chemistry.

Distance training courses in these subjects will be conducted by the best specialists of Kirov:

Alexander Ryattel - Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of mathematical modeling (VyatSU) (mathematics)

Elena Guschina - Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Physics and methods of teaching physics (VyatSU)

Ekaterina Pechyonkina - Director of the Lyceum of innovative studying (VyatSU) (chemistry)

Dmitry Ovsyannikov - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physics and methods of teaching physics (VyatSU) (physics: advanced level).

To become a student of the online courses please register here. All classes are free of charge.

Find the schedule of classes here.


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