Education for foreigners

Admission to Vyatka State University in 2020 will be ONLY using remote technologies

  • 6 May 2020, 18:12
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3850
Instructions for use, or How to enter VyatSU in 2020

Acceptance of documents for admission to the university will begin on June 20, 2020.

Applicants will be able to submit an application through their personal account on the "Applicant" page on the VyatSU official website. Applicants do not need to come to Kirov to hand over documents in person, nor do they need to send documents in an envelope by mail - everything can be done remotely via the Internet.

The applicant registers in the personal account, fills in all the necessary data for the application, downloads scanned copies of documents:

Passport (page with photo and page with registration)

Previous Education Document with a Supplement

Photo for documents (3 * 4 cm)

Documents confirming the presence of individual achievements (if any)

Documents confirming special rights (if any)

Contract on employer-sponsored education (if applicable)

Documents confirming the change of last name or first name (if necessary).

 After uploading all documents to your Personal Account, you must select a specialty and submit an application.

 The employee of the Admission committee checks the application, approves it (or rejects it due to errors); the applicant receives a message that the application is approved (or returned for revision). After approval of the application, the applicant must download the application file from the Personal Account, print and sign the application, then make a scan copy of the signed application and upload it to his Personal Account. After this, the application is considered filed, and the applicant will appear in the lists on the site.

The deadlines for receiving documents will depend on the date of announcement of the last result of the Unified State Examination. The decision on the timing of the transfer of the exam will be taken by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation after the May holidays. For any postponement of the exam, applicants will be allocated sufficient time to apply for admission to the university.

All entrance examinations for applicants who do not need to follow the results of the Unified State Examination will be carried out using distance technologies (those who enter on the basis of professional education, foreign citizens, people with disabilities, entering the magistracy and postgraduate school).

To pass the entrance exam remotely, you will need to have a personal computer with Internet access and multimedia peripheral devices for listening and playing audio and video information (microphone, webcam, headphones or audio system).

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