Education for foreigners

Articles of VyatSU scientists published in the collection of materials of a major international forum on teacher education IFTE

  • 9 April 2020, 17:46
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3745

Vyatka State University teachers participate in the International Forum on Teacher Education annually since 2015, in 2020 cooperation will be continued

Recently it became known that scientific articles of participants of the V International Forum on Pedagogical Education IFTE “Development of Teacher Professional Competencies: Main Problems and Values”, which was held at Kazan Federal University on May 29-31, 2019, were published by ARPHA Proceedings and indexed in Web of Science database.

The authors of 9 of the 150 articles in the collection are scientists of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University. These are teachers of the Department of Pedagogy N.V. Buldakova, E.A. Nikitina, A.O. Luchinina, V.A. Sakharov, V.V. Utemov, E.A. Khodyreva, S.S. Bykova and E.A. Sledgehammer; employees of the Department of Biomedical Disciplines M.A. Morozova, E.V. Svinar, N.I. Kadochnikova, M.L. Sazanova, G.A. Popova.

Professor Roza Valeeva, the Deputy Director for International Affairs at the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, noted:

Conference proceedings published in journals are selectively indexed. And the fact that the articles of the last three forums, which were selected for the conference and published in international journals, were indexed by the scientometric database Web of Science, indicates the high status and impact of the International Forum on Teacher Education on the world scientific community.

 Annually, representatives of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University participate in IFTE in order to study the trends in the modernization of teacher education in Russia; to analyze and generalize theoretical and practical, traditional and innovative approaches to teaching; to present the results of scientific research of teachers of VyatSU.

 The value of the international forum was indicated in the speech of the rector of KFU, Professor I.R. Gafurov.

 In conditions when the professionalism of a teacher is an extremely important problem for educational systems in almost all countries of the world, our forum on teacher education is a unique opportunity to exchange views and develop a new understanding of pedagogy problems at the local, regional and global levels, he emphasized.

Employees of the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University will again present the results of their scientific activities at the VI International Forum on Pedagogical Education IFTE at Kazan Federal University in 2020.

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