Education for foreigners

Chinese students visiting the Russian Fairy Tale

  • 3 December 2014, 00:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2118

On November 29, 2014 students of VyatSU Preparatory Faculty visited “The Park of Fairy Tales" in a city park Zarechny.

There they met the heroes of Russian fairy tales and they produced a strong impression on Chinese students. The program included creative work-shops, old Russian game, team and outdoor active games.

Chinese students took an active part in all events, did all the tasks offered by fairy-tale characters. The most memorable attraction for them became tubing when they rode from the top of an icy hill on tubes (also known as "donuts" or "biscuits" due to their shape).

Live interaction of Chinese students with the Russian Fairy Tale, fairy tale characters and each other helped them to feel a festive atmosphere and to get an unforgettable experience.

Read in Russian
