Education for foreigners

Professor of Vyatka State University Natalia Krivosheina - one of the authors of the book about the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Vyatka

  • 7 April 2020, 13:41
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4003
Together with E.L. Skopin she prepared the first complete scientific publication about a unique architectural monument that was tragically lost during the years of Soviet power

A voluminous monograph "Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Vyatka. History of creation", the authors of which were local historian, architect-restorer E. L. Skopin and Doctor of art history, Member of the International Association of art critics and critics, the Professor of the Department of technology and design of VyatSU N. V. Krivosheina was went out.

The new book, which has been worked on for ten years, is the first and only complete scientific publication to date on the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Vyatka, designed by Alexander Vitberg. It is he who, as you know, was the author of the first version of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

The high value of the publication is beyond doubt: it contains comprehensive information about the unique architectural monument; illustrated with archival photographs and drawings, photocopies of genuine documents from archives and museums of Kirov, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The book can also help in the preparation of scientific and practical documentation for the reconstruction of the external appearance and interior decoration of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.

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