Education for foreigners

The fourth year student Alexey Lapitsky adequately represented VyatSU at the ElConRus-2020 international conference

  • 24 March 2020, 11:30
  • Author: admin
  • Views 8653

A young researcher of the Flagship University of the Kirov region presented papers in two sections of the prestigious forum. Contributions were in English

On January 28-31, the VII International Conference of Young Researchers in the Field of Computer Engineering and Electronics - ElConRus-2020 was held at «LETI» St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University.

Traditionally, the conference was organized by the Northwestern section of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Glindur University (Great Britain), St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg) and the National Research University «MIET» (Moscow).

ElConRus-2020 is the largest scientific and technical conference of young researchers in Russia. The conference was held in the format of plenary and breakout sessions, during which more than 360 reports on computer hardware and software, micro and nanoelectronics, electro-optics and telecommunications, biomedical and environmental engineering were presented.

The 4th-year student of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering Alexey Lapitsky presented the Flagship University of the region. Alexei conducts his research under the guidance of Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of electronic computers VyatSU Vasily Meltsov.

At the section «Digital Processing and Data Analysis» Alexey Lapitsky made a presentation «Mode-S format signal recognition method according to the preamble and its implementation on FPGA». The subject of these studies covers important issues of designing civil aircraft identification systems and ensuring their flight safety. Another report was read by Alexey in the section «Components and devices of computer systems». Research conducted in conjunction with a postgraduate student Alexander Krutikov is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of modern machine learning methods in planning and forecasting the ultimate achievements in individual sports. The results of experiments on real training samples are presented in the paper «Implementation of a forecasting module based on a generalized regression neural network on the FPGA».

It is worth noting the fact that the speeches and discussion of the reports were held in English. Alexey Lapitsky successfully coped with this task, having gained invaluable experience in presenting his developments to a highly qualified audience. The materials of the conference participants will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed in the international scientific citation databases Web of Science and Scopus.

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