Education for foreigners

What to do if you feel the symptoms of the disease

  • 23 March 2020, 20:16
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4452

Dear students and employees of Vyatka State University, due to the high risk of coronavirus infection, we ask you to be more attentive to your health and consult a doctor immediately if symptoms of the disease appear!

Symptoms of a coronavirus are similar to those of a common cold - increased fatigue, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, feeling of heaviness in the chest, muscle pain, fever, chills.

If you feel these symptoms, we urge you to follow the instructions:

If you are an employee of the University, do not go to work, immediately call a doctor and inform the Head of your Department and the Head of the Human Resources Department.

If you are a student living at home (not in the Vyatka State University dormitory), call a doctor and follow his recommendations, do not leave home, do not contact anyone. Inform the Head of your group about your health condition.

If you are a student living in a dormitory of Vyatka State University, immediately inform the dormitory commandant, do not leave your room, warn your roommates that you have symptoms of a cold, call a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Phones for calling a doctor:

8 (8332) 21-43-03

8 800 100 43 03

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