Education for foreigners

VIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Pedagogy and Psychology in the XXI Century: Current State and Trends of Research" will be held in a remote format

  • 20 April 2020, 18:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6082

The conference will be held on April 23, 2020.

For the first time, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology invites students, magistrands, graduate students, young teachers to take part in the remote All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Pedagogy and Psychology in the XXI Century: Current State and Trends of Research".

More than 250 participants submitted applications for participation in the conference, which will be held in the Internet space at the Vyatka State University venue. These are bachelor students, magistrands and graduate students of Vyatka State University, Mari State University, Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after Lobachevsky (Arzamas branch), Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, young teachers of schools and kindergartens of the city of Kirov and the Kirov region.

This conference is organized for the exchange of scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical developments between students of high schools and young teachers on current problems and development trends in the field of pedagogy and psychology at the present stage. Virtual communication between future and young specialists helps to improve the quality of their training at the university, increase the interest of students, magistrands, graduate students and young teachers in scientific activities in the psychological and pedagogical field.

The online sections will present reports on the main areas of the conference, such as social and educational activities in various types of institutions, relevant psychological practices, modern technologies for teaching and upbringing, the content and organization of inclusive education, design in education, and digitalization in the educational process.

In each section, along with the research projects of Vyatka State University students, scientific reports will be presented by students from other Russian universities and the results of scientific and practical activities by young teachers.

Within the framework of the conference, the organizing committee holds a competition of scientific articles in each area of ​​the Conference. The works of the winners of the scientific articles competition of the Conference will be recommended for publication in the High Attestation Commission journal "Vestnik of Vyatka State University". As a result of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of materials (with indexing at the RSCI).

Applications (full name, place of study / work, e-mail) for attending the online conference "Pedagogy and Psychology in the XXI Century: Current State and Trends of Research" is carried out at After receiving the application, participants will be sent a link to join the event.


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