Education for foreigners

Vyatka State University took part in the first meeting of the Advanced Ecotechnologies consortium

  • 30 April 2020, 13:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3724

The consortium was initiated by the Federal Environmental Operator, better known as RosRAO

April 27th. Moscow. - The Federal Ecological Operator (FEO, an enterprise of the State Corporation Rosatom) and the Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.M. Mendeleev (RCTU named after D.M. Mendeleev) took the initiative to create a federal scientific and educational consortium “Advanced Ecotechnologies” for the implementation of the national project “Ecology”.

To discuss the goals and objectives of the consortium the first online meeting brought together Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A.), Vyatka State University (VyatSU), Udmurt State University (UdSU), Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (UdmFRC Ural Branch of RAS) and Rusatom Greenway company (an enterprise of the Rosatom State Corporation).


“Synergy is needed to solve environmental, engineering and technological challenges. We need a scientific basis for creating a modern industrial waste processing system in Russia,” - said Maxim Korolkov, the First Deputy General Director for Environmental Projects, of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Federal Environmental Operator”, - “We ​​are grateful to the management of universities for their willingness to participate in this work”.

“The mission of the consortium should be the transformation of the technological image of the Russian industry for the formation of a closed-cycle economy and the use of advanced environmental technologies through the combination of scientific and expert competencies,” - said the rector of the Mendeleev Chemical and Technical University of Russia Alexander Mazhuga in his report.

The consortium should be aimed at identifying priority areas of scientific and technological development in the field of environmental protection, studying and analyzing the achievements of world and Russian science in relevant areas, developing recommendations for their use, and expert evaluation of technologies.

The meeting participants noted the importance of developing and implementing comprehensive scientific and technical programs and projects of the full innovation cycle related to environmental safety in the field of industrial waste disposal and processing.

The formation of a new industry will require common efforts to train personnel and implement environmental education programs, and promote environmental technologies.

Among the first tasks under the roadmap, it was proposed to sign an agreement on a consortium, to analyze the current state of the industry, to develop online educational programs in the field of industrial waste processing technologies.

The rector of Vyatka State University Valentin Pugach raised questions about the economic model, educational programs and the distribution of responsibilities of the consortium participants.

“We are interested in the work of the structure, which will bring concrete results and are ready to participate in the work of this consortium informatively and organizationally. It is necessary to work out an economic model for the functioning of the consortium. I also propose to work out specific functional schemes for the interaction and distribution of responsibilities of each university, the possibility of interaction with regional authorities, joint educational programs between regional and federal universities,” - said Valentin Pugach.

“Our university responded with great interest to the opportunity to join the consortium. In the structure of our university there are two specialized centers - “Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials” and “Industrial ecology”, which fully meets the objectives of the consortium. I am sure that the cooperation of our universities in the framework of the consortium will be successful, and we will achieve common goals,” - said Oleg Afonin, the rector of SSTU named after Gagarina Yu. A.

“For many years, Udmurt State University has been carrying out great work in the field of ecology and waste management, including the implementation of major environmental projects. We intend to take an active part in the work of the consortium being created across the entire range of goals formulated in the Agreement on its creation. As part of the development of the consortium’s development roadmap, we made proposals for the implementation of projects for the restoration of land disturbed by waste storage, for the development and implementation of a number of waste processing technologies, for the development of appropriate educational programs,” - said Galina Merzlyakova, the rector of Udmurt State University.

Mikhail Ales, the director of the UdmFRC Ural Branch of RAS voiced proposals for the consortium's roadmap. In particular, we are talking about the creation of specialized research laboratories in the regions where future ecotechnological parks are located to ensure verification of technologies and refinement of the technological regulations for processes, as well as the creation of expert scientific and engineering groups for inventorying waste at industrial enterprises.


Federal state unitary enterprise “Federal environmental operator” is defined as the Federal operator for handling waste of classes I and II on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The task is performed within the framework of the Federal project “Infrastructure for waste management of hazard classes I-II” as part of the national project “Ecology”.

The integrated waste management system of classes I and II includes the creation of a state information system for the management of such waste; the Federal scheme for the management of waste of classes I and II; and the creation of production and logistics infrastructure.

Earlier, the Federal environmental operator signed agreements on cooperation in the field of research and production activities related to the issues of ensuring rational management of waste of classes I–II with RCTU named after D. M. Mendeleev, SSTU named after Yu. A. Gagarin, VyatSU, UdSU, UdmFRC Ural branch of RAS.

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