Education for foreigners

VyatSU foreign students celebrate the Day of Slavic Written Language

  • 31 May 2016, 20:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4186

On May 13 VyatSU celebrated the Day of Slavic Written Language. This festive event was attended by foreign students of the Preparatory Faculty. The students sang songs, recited poems and ballads. And it all was in Russian!

Nadezhda Komarova and Marina Kibardina from VyatSU Department of Russian as a foreign language were the organizers of the event.

It should be noted that foreign students from Congo, Sudan, Egypt, and Tajikistan have plans to continue their studying at VyatSU after finishing the Preparatory Faculty. "We like to study the Russian language, speak it and be aware of its important role in the contemporary world", - participants of the event concluded.

Read in Russian
