Оur university

Why join a trade union of employees of Vyatka State University?

By joining a trade union, an employee who is a member of a trade union receives right:


- to receive all social and economic norms and benefits, stipulated by the collective agreement;

- for free legal assistance on labor law issues: hiring, transfers at work and dismissal, worker time and rest, labor protection, guarantees and compensations, according to issues of pension law;

- get help from other public organizations of the university and cities;

- for consideration of an individual labor dispute of an employee - when participation of the trade union body;

- for the assistance of the trade union and its specialists in matters of payment labor, the size of wages and its timely payment;

- to check the correctness of payroll;

- to protect the employee by the trade union in case of unreasonable job offers, other unfair actions on the part of the employer;

- for free legal assistance of the trade union in considering its questions in court;

- to protect a trade union member in the investigation of accidents at work and occupational diseases, on issues compensation for harm caused to their health at work;

- for financial assistance in case of severe life circumstances;

- to resolve issues of social insurance of a trade union member through a representative of a trade union organization in the commission on social insurance, to help in obtaining a preferential voucher for a sanatorium spa treatment, for health improvement and recreation for themselves and members families;

- to help in organizing the improvement of themselves and their children;

- to appeal to the trade union committee, to its chairman, in any higher trade union body on any issues, the possibility freely express and defend at the trade union meeting, conference their opinion on labor, social and related relationships, as well as work trade union organization, trade union committee and its chairman;

- receive support of the organization in the current and future employment.


Kirov, st. Moscow, 36 (building number 1). 
Office number 100.

Tel. 8 (8332) 64-09-25, ext. 1-73

E-mail: profcom_sotr@vyatsu.ru

Working hours: 

Mon-Thu: 9.00 – 17.00; 
Fri: 9.00 – 16.00. 

Lunch: from 12.00 to 13.00