For students

Department of fundamental chemistry and methods of teaching chemistry

  • 29 July 2018, 07:17
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2629

The Professor P. A. Bobrov and associate Professor N. M. Utrobin established the Department of chemistry in Kirov Pedagogical Institute in 1917.


Since the establishment, the Department of Chemistry is graduating department and trains not only chemistry teachers but also chemists for the Kirov region.


In 1930s, the department developed three main themes:


1) kinetics of dissolution of aluminum in hydrochloric acid in the presence of catalysts;

2) 2,3-diphenylbutadiene halide; 

3) theory of electrolytic dissociation in the course of chemistry for secondary school (methodological development).


During the War the Institute was evacuated to the Yaransk. The department continued scientific research.

Training of teachers at this time was conducted in the specialty "Chemistry - Biology".


From 1957 to 1962, the faculty of physics and mathematics had admitted in the specialty "Physics and chemistry".


Since 1963, the Department began to train teachers in the specialty "Biology-chemistry" (that time the Department was a part of the natural-geographical faculty).


Research activities were important part of the work of chemistry Department.


There were three main directions of the research work:


- The improvement of chemistry teacher preparation for extracurricular educational work with students;


- Physico-chemical research of aqueous solutions;


- Corrosion and protection of metals in electrolyte solutions.


Associate professors A. I. Solodyannikov and S. A. Napolsky received important theoretical and practical scientific results. Their inventions were marked by inventor's certificates.


In 2000, the Department of chemistry became part of the newly formed Faculty of chemistry.


The Department begins to train students in classical University program in Chemistry and then in Fundamental and Applied Chemistry. Bachelor’s program and Magistracy in Chemistry was opened later.


In 2016, the Department was renamed the Department of fundamental chemistry and methods of teaching chemistry. Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor T. Ya. Ashikhmina was appointed as a head of the Department.


Research areas, which has formed and developed at the Department:


- physical and chemical analysis

- environmental monitoring

- biological conversion of household and industrial waste

- methods of teaching chemistry.


Directions of training


 Bachelor's program:

 -Chemistry (profiles: medical and pharmaceutical chemistry; Analytical chemistry).


Magistracy program:

- Chemistry (orientations: environmental chemistry, chemical expertise and environmental safety);

- Pedagogical education (orientation: Chemistry).



- Fundamental and applied chemistry (specializations: environmental chemistry, chemical expertise and environmental safety, analytical chemistry; chemistry and fertilizer technology).


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