Оur university

Students from VyatSU Center for Robotics and Mechatronics are prize winners of regional competition "RoboKot-2018"

  • 21 February 2018, 08:05
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5948

The first experience of team competition in 2017/2018 was quite successful, thus, there is a new one ahead!

Last Saturday regional robotics competition "RoboKot-2018" was held in Lyceum of Information Technology № 28 in Kirov. The purpose was to promote creativity of children and youth in the field of robotics and engineering solutions.

Vyatka State University was represented by 40 students of scientific and educational center of robotics and mechatronics. They made up 20 team-participants (each of 2 persons). It should be mentioned that those were the first-year students, and "RoboCot" was their very first robotic competition. But how successful was it! The results are quite good: Alisa Ustyuzhaninova (4th grade) and Sergey Kuimov (3rd grade) took the 3rd place in the nomination "Following the Line", and Mikhail Pozdeev and Mikhail Vershinin (both schoolchildren of the 4th grade) showed themselves in the nomination "Robo-football" - they also got the 3rd place!

All the teachers are sure that this start turned out to be quite successful and new experience and main victories are just ahead!

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