Оur university

Vyatka State University on the 41st place in RF universities ranking

  • 18 December 2017, 11:05
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6358

On December 12 "Social Navigator" project of International Information Agency "Russia Today" presented the national rating of Russian universities, reflecting their involvement into the Russian economy sector.

The study was made on data based on 448 universities from 81 RF regions. Higher education institutions were evaluated by such criteria as graduates’ employment, commercialization of university intellectual products, and demanding for research product.

The rating includes national, municipal, state and private universities. Among them there are 127 engineering, 89 classical, 54 agricultural, 61 administration, 69 humanitarian and 48 medical universities.

Vyatka State University took the 4 st place out of 89 in the classical universities rating. According to the results of the research VyatSU graduates employment is about 82.6%, commercialization share for intellectual products is 5.94%, and citation index for VyatSU employees is 10.


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