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VyatSU invites to take part in the 1st All-Russian Olympiad in Foreign Languages for Master’s students of Non-Linguistic Directions

  • 26 October 2017, 16:49
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4504

The Olympiad is conducted on November 11, 2017 (in a distant form).

Master's students studying English and German in non-linguistic directions are invited there.

Schedule of the Olympiad:

06.11.2017 - 08.11.2017 – applications sending and receiving;

11.11.2017 from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. – time for completing distributed tasks and sending them back;

11.11.2017 - 14.11.2017 - examination of completed tasks;

15.11.2017 - summing up the results;

27.11.2017 - awarding the best works.

The application form for participation in the Olympiad is to be filled in by a participant and sent to the organizing committee secretary via e-mail: sc.english@yandex.ru.

Olympiad tasks are sent via e-mail within specified time period.

Completed tasks are to be sent back to e-mail of the organizing committee secretary sc.english@yandex.ru.

A participant should indicate his name in his e-mail title; for example, "Ivanov Ivan, Olympiad 2017".


Read in Russian 
