Оur university

VyatSU takes the 2nd place at Kirov Region Kettlebell Championship

  • 13 March 2018, 09:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6873

Anton Polushkin became the winner in a series of competitions and got Candidate for Master of Sport athlete’s rank.

Last weekend in sports complex "Yunost’" VyatSU team of 20 athletes took part in Kirov Region Kettlebell Championship. On the first day of the competition the athletes took part in the exercise with weights of 32 kg. The first place was taken by Anton Polushkin (weight category up to 63 kg) and Alexei Zhukov (weight category up to 73 kg); the 2nd place by Oleg Pikus (up to 73 kg), Konstantin Kulikov (up to 68 kg) and Eduard Krivorotenko (up to 85 kg); the 3rd place by Maxim Bakshayev (up to 85 kg) and Artyom Krivorotenko (up to 85 kg). In addition, Anton Polushkin fulfilled the candidate's standard for a master of sports by having done 35 lifts in this exercise.

The second day of competitions was no less successful for VyatSU team. The strongest athletes of the region competed in double-event: both push and jerk of 32 kg for men and 24 & 16 kg for women. The results of the competition are as follows: 1st place - Anton Polushkin, Nikolai Postnikov; 2nd place - Oleg Pikus, Eduard Krivorotenko; 3rd place - Alexey Zhukov, Maxim Bakshayev, Artem Krivorotenko.

As a result of the competition, Vyatka State University took the 2nd place, the third place was occupied by the team of Kirovo-Chepetsk, and the team "SK Yunost" became the winner of the championship.

All the athletes of Vyatka State University showed brilliant achievements in every nomination and demonstrated their striking team spirit.

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