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VyatSU is a success at the International Festival of School Teachers

  • 27 August 2018, 08:58
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3768

Pavel Gorev’s master class was highly appreciated by his Russian and foreign colleagues.

Last week, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University hosted over 500 representatives from Russian schools for the IX International Festival of School Teachers. Leading scientists of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Arkhangelsk, Stavropol, Yakutsk, Saratov, Perm, Orenburg, and Kirov universities, as well as universities of the USA, Germany, Croatia, Bulgaria, Ireland and Lithuania were among the moderators of the event.
Traditionally, the festival has been discussing issues relevant to modern school education. This year theme of the festival is “Digital Generation of Russia”. The topic is contradictory: it is connected, on the one hand, with gadgets that have brought under control our children and adolescents; on the other hand, with the opportunities provided by digital technologies. Discussion of the opportunities and barriers of digital learning has caused a lot of controversial discussions among the participants of the festival. As a moderator, Vyatka State University was introduced by Pavel Gorev, head of the Department of pedagogical technologies and subjects’ methods.
Pavel Gorev conducted a master class "Creative classes’ technology: from theory to practice", which introduced the structure of creative classroom work and after-school activities for schoolchildren, based on the principles of continuous formation of creative thinking based on the theory of inventive tasks. The author of the master class offers training using such didactic tools as "Miracle Surprise" and "Puzzle" aimed at motivating learners for cognitive activity, as well as methods adapted for schoolchildren to search for new ideas.
The master class presented new educational courses: "Learning and playing with Sovyonok" for preschool education, "Heuristic methods for teaching junior schoolchildren" for primary school, "Creative Thinking Training" and "Experiments in the Museum of Entertaining Science" for 5-6th grades of secondary school. They all can be realized through the system of distance education.
Pavel Gorev's speech aroused great interest of the pedagogical community: over a hundred teachers of preschool, primary and secondary education from different parts of Russia visited these master classes of Vyatka State University. All of them highly appreciated the presented materials and confirmed their wish to visit the teacher's classes again as soon as possible.