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The best graduates of VyatSU 2020. Institute of Chemistry and Ecology

  • 14 July 2020, 18:08
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3443
We continue to introduce you the best graduates of institutes and faculties of Vyatka State University in 2020

Basharin Ilya Igorevich, Direction of training “Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemistry and biotechnology”:

- Chemistry has always been the most amazing and interesting science for me, and that's why I entered the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of VyatSU on the specialty “Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemistry and biotechnology”.

In the third year, I started a project activity where I could give free rein to my imagination and make the impossible possible! We created our product – anti-slip spray.

With this idea, we participated in the VyatSU Project school, began to cooperate with the Project office of Vyatka State University, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, where our project was supported.

At the youth forum Vyatka FUTURE, the project received the highest scores.

Then there was the youth forum of the Volga Federal District iVolga 2.0, where we reached the final.

At the contest “UMNIK” we managed to reach not only the finals, but also win.

In the future, I will continue to study such an amazing and interesting science as chemistry, because it brings me pleasure!

Change yourself and the world will change around you!


Malysheva Angelina Viktorovna, Direction of training “Chemistry”:

- At first, I was thinking about going to medical university. In the 10th grade, after visiting the VyatSU Science Festival and watching a colorful reagent show, I have had a burning desire to become a chemist and enter VyatSU.

At the university, I knew the amazing world of chemistry closer, not only from the theoretical, but also from the practical side. Thanks to our teachers, we realized that chemistry is diverse and multifaceted.

At the second year I began to engage in scientific activities, was engaged in the development of organic fertilizers. In the fourth year, I started getting toothpaste based on glauconite powder and betulin.

I became a co-author of several articles and one patent, participated in environmental conferences and competitions of VyatSU youth projects, the University Championship by WorldSkills standards.

Four years of study were very intense and flow by as one instant. We remember our numerous excursions to the enterprises of Kirov and the Kirov region.

Participation in the events of the Department of fundamental chemistry and methods of teaching chemistry: Mendeleev’s wednesday, the Chemical Christmas tree, chemical dictations and olympiads in chemistry are also associated with vivid memories.

VyatSU and my native Department will hold a warm place in my memory.


Solodyankina Iren Sergeevna, Direction of training “Fundamental and Applied Chemistry”:

- Being a student is cool, and being a student of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology is much cooler.

Over 5 years of study, my personal and professional qualities have grown.

An activist is not the person who participates everywhere, this is the person who implements ideas in life. The head of the group, the chairman of the Student Council of the hostel No. 7, the curator, the Student Council for the quality of education, the Student Scientific Society, year-round events within the Institute, interaction with the administration of the Institute and the University - I managed to get experience everywhere.

All started with the School of Curators, which inspired me and opened my eyes: I want to be a teacher, a teacher at my Institute, but in such a way that students take an example from me. And the Summer University of Tutoring in Tomsk helped me a lot.

Now I am the head of the Project Activities headquarters for students of 1-2 courses of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology and work as the laboratory assistant at the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymer Processing. Plan for the future - career growth.

What I am is the merit of my parents, friends and teachers of my institute. Endless gratitude!

Applicants take advantage of a moment; try yourself always, everywhere, in everything!


Nelyubina Anna, Direction of training "Chemical Technology":

- My life at the university was very active and eventful. During my studies, I participated in social, scientific and volunteer activities.

At the 1st and 2nd year, I was engaged in social activities.

At the 3rd and 4th year, I went deep into scientific activity, my project “Production of a new type of fertilizers of prolonged action” appeared. With this project I participated in Vyatka Future, Innovative Entrepreneur, Project School - took prizes

I took part in the iVolga youth forum, where there was a real life school. I participated in an exhibition of innovations: where I gave an interview to 3 TVchannels, spoke with high-ranking people, acquired new competencies, and won a grant for the development of my project.

My advice is participate everywhere and find yourself.

Apply the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology and you will be definitely succeed.


Zlobina Yulia Aleksandrovna, Direction of training “Chemistry”

- We studied a lot, but all the subjects of the first year were very interesting and similar to my first environmental education.

I participated in the “You are an Entrepreneur” program and in the “UMNIK” competition, where my project “Development of a biologically active food supplement based on fruit bodies of mushroom Ezhovik” went to the finals.

I also participated in All-Russian scientific and practical conferences: “Issues of modern scientific research” (Omsk, January 2019); “High-tech research as the basis of the innovative development of society” (Samara, June 2019); “Biodiagnostics of the state of natural and natural-technogenic systems” (Kirov, VyatSU, December 2019). According to the results of scientific research, 4 articles were published.

I want to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of fundamental chemistry and methods of teaching chemistry Tovstik Evgenia Vladimirovna for the tremendous support and assistance in my scientific endeavor, as well as all the teachers of the Department for knowledge that they have given during these two years of study.

If I were offered to enter a magistracy once again, I would definitely agree, because studying in a magistracy is a chance to deepen my knowledge and gain the necessary experience and connections in the profession.

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